Woburn Electrical School
of Code & Theory
Attendance: The school requires attendance to complete all learning objectives 237 CMR 22:00 laid out by the Board of Examiners of Electricians. If a student fails to complete the required hours they must not move. Each class is initially set with 10% more hours than required. Attendance is recorded in clock hours in the class room. Students only get credit for the time they are there.
Satisfactory Progress: Students review their progress monthly with an exam review process. Every student, regardless of grade, will receive a written academic progress report at least once during the span of the class or course. The school will maintain a copy of this report in the student’s file. Students may request a review of their record at any time with the Director.
Complaints: All complaints are brought to the instructor and/or the Director, verbally first; if the complainant is not satisfied, he should put it in writing to the owner/director. Per 230 CMR 15.07(2) a school shall respond to written student complaints in writing within ten days from when the complaint was submitted to the school. This policy must also indicate that students may contact DPL at any time with a complaint, DPL’s contact information occupational.schools@mass.gov or 617-701-8719.
Withdrawal: Per 230 CMR 15.04 (7) and (8)
(7) If a student withdraws from a Program in accordance with the School’s withdrawal policy, the School shall:
(a) treat the withdrawal as a termination of the enrollment contract, effective immediately;
(b) complete a refund calculation for the student, including all fees and payments, in a form acceptable to the division; and
(c) provide the calculation and any refund to the student within 45 days of the effective date of the termination
(8) If a student stops attending School but does not withdraw in accordance with the School’s withdrawal policy, the School shall:
(a) for purposes of any payments due from the student or refund due to the student, treat the student’s nonattendance as a termination of the
enrollment contract, effective no later than the last date of attendance or last participation in an instructional activity;
(b) determine the effective date of the termination within 30 days after the end of the period of enrollment, the term, or the Program, whichever is
(c) complete a refund calculation for the student, including all fees and payments, in a form acceptable to the division; and
(d) provide the calculation and any refund to the student within 45 days from the date the School determines the effective date of termination under
230 CMR 15.04(8)(b).
Financial Aid: Per 230 CMR 15.04 (5) and (6)
(5) If a School allows a student to begin participation in a Program while an initial award for financial aid, including student loans, is pending, and the student subsequently is denied some or all of that student loan or financial aid amount, the School shall offer that student in writing an opportunity to terminate the enrollment agreement with a full refund of all Monies Paid, less actual reasonable administrative costs as defined under M.G.L. c. 255, § 13K.
(6) In addition to the requirements of M.G.L. c. 255, § 13K, for programs beginning after April 1, 2017, prior to the completion of five school days or five percent of the Program, whichever occurs first, a School shall afford a student the opportunity to withdraw with a full refund of all Monies Paid, less (1) actual reasonable administrative costs as defined under M.G.L. c. 255, § 13K; and (2) actual reasonable costs of non-reusable supplies or Equipment where a School reasonably provided the student with the supplies or Equipment, so long as the student receives the refund to which they are entitled under M.G.L. c. 255, § 13K. Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to: (1) Programs not subject to division approval; and (2) Programs 80 hours or less in duration and $2,000 in total cost.